Our weekend flew by and now it is the middle of my week. I'm left wondering what happened around here. It is partially from DH having a long weekend, which is very unusual, for his birthday. He was so happy to have a few extra days off to spend hanging around the house with all of us. I made him his favorite cake - "confetti" angelfood cake with cherry-vanilla frosting. Yes, from scratch. The kids had a blast and made a huge mess. I mopped the floor twice because of the stickiness. It was very tasty too.
DH with b-day cake. |
Over the weekend I played some more in my art journal. Added some painted flowers, a face and writing on one set of pages. Worked on the background for another set of pages. I had fun using leftover paint from another project for the additions in my journal. Waste not, want not so the saying goes.
Art Journal Additions |
Dithered about with a layout since last Friday. Just couldn't make up my mind what I wanted to do with it or the story I wanted to tell. I thought I was finally ready to work on some of DD's NICU photos and those stories but ... not quite yet. DD looked at the photos of herself as the tiny preemie that she was and it made me all teary as I tried to explain how special it was that we were holding her in the photos. I think if I can make it through one layout I'll be okay to work on the rest, maybe.
Instead of the layout I was hoping to complete I finally decorated my latest "daily planner" notebook. I have used different "planners" over the years and I loved my Franklin while I was working though I still had a notepad for the constant note taking I did. I don't really need the big guns of my Franklin at the moment but am at the point that I need to write things down all the time, or I forget them. So I took a spare, hardly used, spiral notebook, covered it with pretty
JBS Mercantile paper and journaling card from the March kit, added a few ribbons and now I'm set. A pretty notebook to keep my daily to do lists, monthly to do lists, general notes and such. I didn't realize how much I missed having a notepad to write down all the "stuff" that I need to track.
Daily Planner Notebook |
I currently have a 12x12 canvas on my desk for a fun project. Cloth Paper Scissor had this great theme for the 2012 calendar - On the Street Where You Live. I had a concept pop into my head full blown for it but didn't have the chance to work on it in time to be submitted. Now I am finally working on it and love seeing it go from an idea in my mind, to a sketch, to an actual mixed-media piece of art. So fun. It might be a slow process because I'm not sure which techniques will work for some of the things I want to do. It is exciting to see it developing and pushing myself out of my comfort zone to create it too.
Not much yet. |
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