It was a busy Saturday today. Had a painting class to teach, instructor open house to create & chat at, then a pop-up card making class to teach starting at 10am this morning. Love teaching, had such fun. Also had a good time at during the open house answering questions about painting, scrapbooking and card making. Actually had a few requests to add a more advanced painting class. I think I might be ready to do so after teaching the 101 class and project based ones for over a year now.
I also worked on the next phase of my "Street Where You Live" mixed media piece today too. So much I want to do with this but I have to remind myself to go one step at a time. I am going to watch "My Fair Lady" tomorrow for more inspiration.
Street Where You Live piece |
I also dropped in to the online crop at
JBS Mercantile tonight. The scavenger hunt was fun and I got plenty of inspiration from the challenges. The best part was chatting with everyone in the chatroom. This was a nice way to scrapbook and chat at the same time, almost like going to a "real" crop. Met some nice people that I look forward to chatting with again in the future. Here is one of the layouts I worked on based on a challenge. I need to add some details and a bit of journaling but it is almost completed.
Autumn Girl |
Tomorrow I will be getting the house and the kids ready for the upcoming week. Amazing how much stuff piles up when you are out for the day. I think I might bake some cookies too - Oatmeal Scotchies sound pretty yummy at the moment.
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