As I've mentioned I've been taking Creative Retreat at
Big Picture Classes which has helped me create a large helping of new layouts. While getting creative with paper, photos and adhesive I've been digging into my rather substantial stash of products. I've had a selection of "favorite" papers that have been some what off-limits and so they languish away in their storage bin. But to create a few of these layouts I actually, GASP, used some of this cherished paper. And you know what? It felt great! And I liked the layout. Then I used some more of these special papers, then more.
BC Beach - Chatterbox Papers |
Now here is the funny thing - I like using these papers and I like the layouts that I've been creating with them. So why have I left my lovely, favorite papers hiding for so long, in fact years for some of them? Well, I think I've finally changed my attitude about the whole thing. I'm going to use those papers and embellishments that I've been tucking away. They aren't doing any good stashed in boxes gathering dust. I liked the stuff enough to purchase it in the first place, they do fit in my "style" and I can make them work. So I'm going to stop hoarding these supplies and enjoy creating with them.
Fun Times - Basic Grey Papers |
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