We've had some new visitors the last few days around here in the mornings - wild turkeys. These birds are large and quick. And they left sticky, smelly, yucky "presents" for us in our driveway a few times too. The kids are fascinated and can't wait to look out our front window each morning to see if they are around. I barely managed to get photos since they sprint away when the curtains go up. I'm not sure how much longer they'll be hanging out in the neighborhood but it is fun to see them gathered around the neighbor's bird feeder and trotting across the front yards.
Wild Turkeys in our neighborhood. |
I got some decent photos of a historic light house while we were on our recent color tour. The sun was not in a great spot for the view I wanted to capture so I had to move around a bit. Most of the shots were from close to shore looking in-land. Next time I'll remember to get the photos in the late morning so that there will be a hint of beach.
Tawas Light House |
My DD is having fun participating in Girl Scouts as a second year Brownie right now. She has earned a bunch of Try-It and activity badges. We are sewing them onto her vest, a few by hand but most by machine. DD thinks it is so cool that she gets to sew them one herself. She has started designing clothes she'd like to make now that she is sewing. I loved sewing with my mom and this brings such lovely memories from my childhood to me.
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